Articles & Book Reviews


Resilience in Values

How have you developed values resilience so when you have faced a challenge to your values you have still lived them in your behaviour and speech? It is important that we engage with our values at every moment of our lives. By doing so, we integrate our inner spiritual life with outer actions. This ...  Read more.

Being in the Now

Dadi Janki, Administrative Head, Brahma Kumaris These days people feel they don’t have enough time. This causes a lot of stress and unease. ‘Multi-tasking’ often leads to reduced concentration and mistakes – which then take up more time. Some become so dispirited by their ...  Read more.


Dealing with Conflict

Manda Patel We live in a world where conflict is now the norm. Why is that? I think that we’ve lost our inner strength and the ability to exercise what we understand to be right and true. We know that fighting doesn’t get us anywhere and quarrelling doesn’t get us what we want - ...  Read more.


What Makes You You?

The things by which we generally define ourselves – appearance, personality, abilities, work, relationships, etc – can all change. Our sense of self can be influenced by what people say, the situations around us and the problems we face. What is it, then, that defines who we are? Much of ...  Read more.


Healing Anger

Question & Answer with Dadi Janki There is a lot of anger and resentment between teachers and young people, which is unproductive – it doesn’t help things. How can I deal with this anger better? I can learn to stay peaceful inside and share that feeling with young people, so that ...  Read more.


Seeing the self beyond limitations

I have a disability – cerebral palsy – which affects the muscles in my legs - my balance and my mobility. Because of my disability, I experienced a lot of bullying at school. I now see that as a positive thing for I learned self-determination, to stand on my own two feet, and not to ...  Read more.



Book Reviews

Why Women Believe in God

The book takes the form of a discussion between two lively, outspoken women with very different viewpoints and life experiences. We ask an important question, whether God is necessary, and answer it with reference to scriptures, politics, feminism, secularisation and the serious financial ...  Read more.


Understanding the Brahma Kumaris

This deeply researched and sympathetically written book is the ninth in a series called Understanding Faith, published by Dunedin Academic Press, of Edinburgh and London, UK. The author, Frank Whaling, emeritus professor of the study of religion at the University of Edinburgh, is also the overall  ...  Read more.


The 7 Myths About LOVE...Actually!

Millions obsess over it. Thousands have died for it. We all seek it. Few will find it. Even fewer will live it. It is LOVE. It seems we are compulsively obsessed, yet slightly confused…about love. While many of us think we know love so well we often find it hard to be unconditionally loving. ...  Read more.


UBUNTU! the Spirit of Humanity

This resource book and workshop manual uses Ubuntu, an ancient African code of ethics, as a framework to explore universal values for living together in harmony and for building bridges across cultures and nations. Themes include personal and social values, interconnectedness (with others and ...  Read more.


Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

To become aware of the wise self within, to nurture it until it grows into a tree of strength that will provide fruit not only for you, but will help to inspire all those you come into contact with everyday. Gaining in knowledge about your own role and understanding your relationship with God will ...  Read more.


The Heart of Well-being

The Heart of Well-being - Seven Tools for Surviving and Thriving As we go through life, the challenges and changes we meet can either help us move forward, or undermine our health and resilience - often without our even noticing. The purpose of this unique guide is to discover a way not just to ...  Read more.