The Janki Foundation for Global Healthcare is a UK–based charity that researches and promotes a values–based model of modern health care, offering improved understanding in response to suffering and encouraging the development of positive thoughts and attitudes.
Click HERE to read more about Health.
Inspired and hosted by Dadi Janki Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris, the Call of the Time dialogues convene leaders from all continents in retreat settings that allow for conversation, meditation, and extended periods of silence. Since 1998 approximately 1,000 people have come together in these dialogues.
Click HERE to read more about Leadership.
Images and Voices of Hope is a global conversation initiative intended to connect and expand the community of journalists, artists, and media professionals who understand their work in media as a way to give societies hope for the future.
Click HERE to read more about Media.
Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative is about awakening greater environmental awareness within our own organisation, as well as collaborating and learning from others through dialogue, partnerships, UN conferences and local initiatives. As a spiritual organisation our main aim is to help people to experience greater well-being through inner peace and higher values. Hence our environmental initiative is based on five main principles: * Living with simplicity * Buying compassionately * Using economically * Learning continuously * Sharing generously (
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