Individuals of all ages and backgrounds who regularly attend classes at more than 8,500 centres of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University located in 110 countries.
Spiritual knowledge that nurtures respect for all faith traditions, coherently explains the nature of soul, God, time, and karma, and delineates an enlightened lifestyle.
And practise a form of meditationthat relaxes the mind as well asnurturing a healthy balancebetween our inner andouter worlds.
Spiritual understanding, leadership with integrity and elevated actions towards a better world through numerous social service activities and partnerships.
Dear Friends, Om shanti. Pay attention to what is in your consciousness. There is a deep connection between your consciousness, your attitude and your vision. Whatever is in your attitude will be reflected in your vision, and whatever you are thinking will come out through your words. It’s not ...
Read this message About Dadi JankiRejuvenating power of silence Nirvesh: I was recently hired as a news reporter for a local television station. The job position I had of being a News ...
Read this experience
Perhaps few organisations have stimulated
as much change and discussion at the time
of their inception, or have undergone such
expansion in succeeding decades, as the
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.
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